My Top 10 Parenting “Pearls”

Top Ten Parenting PearlsRecently, a friend asked me to share my top ten list of parenting “pearls”—you know, those ten phrases you’re saying over and over again; those most important things you’re always praying about or discussing with your spouse.

It was actually harder than I thought it would be. So much of parenting is intuitive and boiling down my “pearls” to a list of ten was helpful for me to see exactly where my parenting is currently. I definitely want to continue emphasizing those parenting areas where we’ve been.

But looking over the list also showed me a few areas where I want to address more intentionally, too.

My Top 10 Parenting “Pearls”

  1. *The three most important decisions you’ll make in life include:
    • choosing your master
    • understanding your mission, and
    • choosing your mate.
  2. Love Jesus with all your heart.
  3. We want you to be what the Lord leads you to be when you grow up; we want you to answer his unique call for you according to how he has gifted you.
  4. Remember your manners, get your elbows off the table, and chew with your mouth closed.
  5. Don’t interrupt when others are speaking.
  6. Think of others before yourself (we are always trying to always teach servanthood and humility).
  7. We’re a family; we work together as a team and we work together for one another’s success.
  8. Keep your hands to yourself.
  9. Get out of my purse! (Ugh. My kids love to rummage through my purse, and it drives me crazy!)
  10. We never tell publicly anything that would embarrass a family member; we only build each other up and offer encouragement.

What about you? What are your Top 10 Parenting “Pearls”?


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*I credit Randy Pope’s The Journey Bible study/discipleship program with this idea. I love, love, love it!

Interested in checking out some resources specifically geared towards faith-filled parenting? Don’t miss the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, available through April 27 only. Included in the bundle are these awesome books on discipling and nurturing your children in the Lord: