I’ve never been into the basketball playoffs that make up “March Madness.”
But movies? Now, I can get into movies.
I’m celebrating my own version of March Madness at The Writer’s Block with some terrific movie giveaways this month.
First up: Whip It.
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on my referrals that result in purchases.
Whip It is Drew Barrymore’s directorial debut. It’s an engaging story about a teenage girl who’s trapped in a small Texas town with a pageant-crazy mom and a weak dad. Ellen Page (from Juno) stars as Bliss Cavender, who finds her passion in roller derby.
If you like “coming of age” films (think Sixteen Candles), you’ll enjoy Bliss’s story. If you like movies about the small town guy or girl looking to make a break for the big city (think It’s a Wonderful Life), you’ll have fun watching Bliss become the star of roller derby in the big city of Austin, Texas.
Ellen Page’s acting is terrific, and Drew Barrymore is to be commended for a solid start as a director. I haven’t been on roller skates in several decades, yet I found myself wondering if I could skate roller derby. Hmmmm. Me? On skates, knocking other women down and taking nasty spills myself? (Are you laughing? Is that laughter I hear?)
I don’t know. There’s something kind of curiously attractive about being tough like that. And the fact that the movie causes me to even think in that direction? Now that’s good storytelling.
A few warnings: I would not recommend this film for children (it’s not appropriate for “family movie night”). It’s full of cursing and vulgar slang terms. Bliss lies to her parents; there’s underage drinking, and obvious and implied sexually intimate scenes. It’s rated PG-13.
You can win a copy of Whip It on DVD. Just leave a comment, telling me your favorite “coming of age” film or “small town kid who wants the big city life” film. If you tweet this post, come back and leave another comment, which means you’ll get two entries.
The contest will be open through Monday, March 8, at noon. I will use random.org to choose three winners from the comments.
I can’t wait to read your comments and find out some of your favorite movies! And I look forward to helping you win your very own copy of Whip It.
Whip It is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.
Disclosure: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment provided me one copy of the film Whip It on DVD in order to facilitate this review. I received no other compensation for my review or this post. I am an Amazon affiliate and receive a small commission on my referrals that result in purchases.