I Want to Be Famous?

I’m mad at Nickelodeon right now. 
As if The Fresh Beat Band, Dora‘s whiney-tail screaming, and the disrespectful dialogue from The Fairly OddParents weren’t enough, now I have new reasons to despise the Nickelodeon Marketing Department. 
I’m convinced those marketers are simultaneously brilliant and evil, as they plot their next big marketing campaigns:
“Should we play the promo 15 times during each commercial break?” 

“No. Let’s go for 25. That will really drive the parents bonkers and securely cement the product into the minds of the toddler-something crowd.”
Sadly, I don’t think I’m terribly off the mark. 
The latest to fall under the gaze of my scrutiny? Big Time Rush and their song, “Famous.” If you’ve watched Nick for 30 seconds within the last month or so, you’ve seen the song. 185 times. Or more.

But in case it has escaped you, I offer it here for you now. 

Now, my husband would say the musical quality (or lack thereof) alone disqualifies the band (if you can call it that) from recording songs. He chalks them up to wanna-bes who are programmed and manufactured. 
I don’t know. I’m sure they are. My ears are not quite that discerning. I just cringe that the bankrupt-of-values song lyrics are set to such a catchy tune that one must hear 185 times a day—which makes mimicking a snap for my five-year-olds. 
As I try to teach my kids other-centeredness, humility, and the benefits and blessing of servanthood, these guys are singing about how the object of life is to “see your name in lights.”  They say a perk of being famous is “cut[ting] to the front of the line” and “tak[ing] a free ride.” Being famous is the “American dream” and it means “that you’re the best.”

I really don’t expect Nickelodeon (or any media or culture outlet) to instill in my kids Christian values and ideals. I shouldn’t think they’d exercise restraint during a promotional campaign.

But I would hope (stupid of me, I know) that Nick would take its responsibility a bit more seriously. Especially when I don’t see much (if any) value in “being famous.” 

Let’s review the price of fame during the last year, shall we? Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Lindsey Lohan, the Gosselins. And those are just the ones off the top of my head.

Nick, you have a greater responsibility than just selling programming or records. Could you find something else to sing about? Something other than one of the main contributors (in my opinion) to celebrities’ broken relationships, addictions, and self-destruction?

No thanks, Big Time Rush. I don’t think I want to be famous.


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