Because I’ve been running behind on life since—oh, I don’t know—fifth grade, I’ve decided this year I’m going to be ready for the upcoming fall season.
I simultaneously embrace and dread October, November, and December. The fall is full of fun activities, but it’s also the busiest time for our family.
So, I woke up the other day and it hit me that Halloween would be here soon. Then, Thanksgiving. And, oh no, Christmas. Last year my Christmas cards and letter were mailed weeks after Christmas. I figure if I get started NOW—in the middle of August—maybe I’ll get them out by Christmas Eve.
I want to do something really cute for the kids this year. I need your help to vote in another poll about your favorite costume idea. I’ve thought of Princess & Two Frogs; Princess Leia, Yoda, & R2-D2; or Dorothy, Lion, & Scarecrow. If you have other “combo” ideas, I’d love to read them in comments section.
OK—then, next I need to start preparing Thanksgiving dinner. And, Christmas shopping? Wrapping?
Ugh. I better get started.