So, the van did get cleaned out (I know you all were waiting with bated breath to hear about what gross things I uncovered under the piles of trash), and as far as I know I didn’t contract any disease or anything.
But I was really kind of forced into it because the van had to be TOWED away this morning.
Seems the transmission is about to go. We think.
We are so blessed that my dad knows every mechanic that undercharges for services within a 50-mile radius. So, we do what it takes to get our vehicles to Bedford county for repairs. This, of course, also comes with my dad’s watchful eye, which is always helpful.
So, today, Daddy and Ray (the tow-truck guy who is also my sister’s neighbor) came and got the van.
Mama and Daddy were so very, very gracious to loan us their GIGANTIC-I -feel-that-I-need-to-be-playing-shuffleboard-and-hitting-the-early-bird-specials-at-the- senior-citizens-center Ford Mercury. Not that my parents have ever played shuffleboard or eaten an early bird special, much less attended any event with a “senior citizen” label. But still. This car is huge and really does scream, “old retired people with lots of money.”
I took the kids out for a spin this afternoon. They really enjoyed it, once they stopped fighting and I threatened to go home. “Will you PUH-LEEZE stop fighting and be quiet and just listen to the music on the radio? Can we do that?” (Do I really have 15+ years of this left????)
We went to the pharmacy, bank, and Sonic for slushies. I liked having the cold air blowing in my face, singing along to 80’s favorites on the radio, and not having to get anyone out of the car.
I (heart) the Mercury.