Torture. Extreme, excruciating torture.

I am in agonizing pain over most of my body. My teeth even hurt!

Today, I endured the most agonizing body Sculpting class at the Y. The instructor is obviously extremely fit. She just kept going and going, smile on her face, belting out things like–“Only 10 more!” “C’mon you can do 6 more!” And she was happy. And not out of breath. Would take a quick swig of water and keep going.

I am really into those bicep curl exercises where you sit on a chair and do two sets of eight. I like stretching–you know, lying down on the floor and moving your legs to one side then the next.

I don’t really like push-ups. I kind of moderately loathe ab work. And I psychotically despise lunges.

I think she was really into the whole push-up/ab work/lunge thing today.

“OK–now contort your body so that your abs are supporting your legs that are suspended in the air and roll up and crunch. Let’s count down from 100!”

Last week I danced with the 50+ crowd (yes, lots of metallic sweat suits) in their Zumba Gold class. Barely broke a sweat. Nice little diversion.

A calm before today’s killer tornado storm.

Maybe I am a Sculpting girl at heart trapped in a Zumba Gold body.