I’m always looking for new ideas on time management, prioritizing, and efficiency.
As I’m writing more (both here and for $$$ in the real world), I’m finding it hard at times to balance my time among writing, home, work, family, church, kids’ school events/volunteering, and so on.
When do you write? And how do you prioritize your other responsibilities?
My problem often is that I get “sucked in” to other online temptations: reading/commenting on blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. When I have writer’s block, I’m all too happy to tackle the laundry or dishes; while at other times, I have a hard time unearthing the computer because it’s buried under piles of dirty clothes. Most of the time, I don’t feel like I have balance.
Any ideas for me? What works for you, your writing time, and your family?
I’d love to hear from you.