What Kind of Week Did I Have?

I’ll tell you what kind of week I’ve had.

  • The kind of week where I play musical beds with sick children. 
  • The kind of week where I take one boy to the doctor’s office to get a diagnosis of strep throat and ear infection and then
  • The kind of week where I’m back at the doctor’s office 24 hours later with boy #2 to get another strep diagnosis. 
  • The kind of week where I’m suffering from whiplash due to the number of times I’ve gone back and forth to the grocery and pharmacy. 
  • The kind of week when one toilet is not working.
  • The kind of week where my daughter falls face down at school, warranting an unexpected trip to the dentist (she’s fine, by the way). 
  • The kind of week where I run out of groceries and must send my boys to school without lunches on Friday. 
  • The kind of week where I do another grocery run (after taking them to school) to get lunch items, hurriedly pack two lunches, and deliver said lunches to the preschool with moments to spare before lunchtime.
  • The kind of week where one of my boys had to pee in a plastic Pump It Up emblazoned cup in the van while we waited in the car-rider pickup line at school.  (Oh yes, he did.)

And that was the kind of week I had.