Pray for David

I’m not sure how to begin this post.

All I can think of tonight is that an old college friend, David Hames, is about to begin his eighth day buried—trapped—caged in mountains of concrete, dirt, and dust. Can he see light? Is he hurt? Does he, in fact, have food and water with him?

David is awaiting rescue from the rubble of the Hotel Montana in Haiti.

Since late last week, when I first heard of David’s situation, I’ve been preoccupied with his situation. I’ve been maniacally checking my friends’ Facebook pages for updates. I’ve been praying and asking for prayer and posting requests for prayer.

I can’t get his wife and two preschool aged kids (whom I’ve never met) out of my mind.

I met David Hames probably in the fall of 1990. I don’t remember exactly, but he posted something on Facebook that helps me point to that time period. We worked together at the college television station.

He was a broadcast production major, and I was a broadcast journalism major. I don’t have specific memories of him. Instead, he’s a constant fixture when I think back on those days. I remember he was funny, talented, and cute. I’m sure I had a slight crush on him, attracted no doubt by the mullet (that all the cute boys had, I might add).

My senior year I was news director and he worked as production manager (I think). At any rate, we were on the “leadership team” at the campus TV station together.

After graduation, we lost touch. We reconnected last year on Facebook. I was so impressed with David when I saw his accomplishments. He had stayed in video production and thrived. Last year he produced a Christian preschool children’s video.

And after exchanging the “congratulations” and “how are yous?” that are typical on Facebook, I honestly didn’t think much more about David Hames.

Until last week.

While reading my news feed, I noticed a mutual friend’s post mentioned that David had been in Haiti on a video shoot when the earthquake hit. He was missing.

It’s been a monitored vigil ever since.

I ask my readers for prayers. I am confident God hears our prayers. We do not know how or when he will answer but we do know that God is good. 

Lord God, 
Rescue our friend. Protect his health until help comes. Comfort his wife and children. 
In Christ’s name, 